Andreas Reisner Coach
Telephone: +49 331 5817730
Mobile: +49 172 7140140
Organisation: ARC Coaching & Consulting
Address: Potsdam, Brandenburg

Since the very beginning of my business life I enjoy being a partner for people who like to be as much autonomous as possible in developing their potential and/or in solving their problems.

As a top manager for 20 years in successful international companies I found it most rewarding to see the talents in my employees and give them the appropriate tasks to develop these talents.

As a business consultant for 20 years I accompanied all types of companies to discover the capabilities of their employees and to use their intelligence and energy for successful changes in company-culture, -strategy and -structure.

Todays work as a coach and personal consultant is additionally based on numerous courses and certificates in eg. Gestalt-supervision, Systemic work, Existentialanalysis and Logotherapy etc.

This enables me, to deal quite efficiently with a variety of clients as an honorary consultant and life coach in a social organisation in Berlin.

In doing this I recently got to know the enormous quality of the Thinking Environment to help clients to analyse and understand their own situation. Furthermore this also turned out to be an excellent encouragement to really implement their new ideas.

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