Ayesha Saleem Malik Consultant (Facilitator, Coach, Teacher)
E-mail: ayesha.coach@gmail.com
Website: www.thethinkingsoul.co.uk/
Organisation: The Thinking Soul “Knowing Yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” (Aristotle)
Address: London

“You presume you are a small entity but within you is enfolded the entire universe…..…”

At the heart of my work is the belief that we are all honoured beings, gifted with intellect and choice. Through The Thinking Soul I provide the generative listening and attention people need to think creatively and at their best.
An invitation to sit down with yourself, know yourself, and be led from within. To make decisions, arrive at conclusions, congruent with your values and who you are.

I partner with people who have the courage to make the choice to ignite their own thinking. I enjoy supporting small business owners, entrepreneurs, creatives, professionals, academics and women in STEM to thrive in their work, navigate their career choices and confidently build their contributions and legacies. And by co-creating Thinking Environments with clients, I hold a safe space for individuals, teams and groups, to resolve complex issues around their leadership, learning, mentoring and difference.

My work is informed by my own diverse background, including Systemic Coaching & Constellations, Coaching Childhood Story & Changing Behaviour in High Stakes, NLP Business Practitioner, early training as a Chemical Engineer, over two decades invested in building a family & raising the next generation, volunteering, and business insight developed during my MBA.
….therefore you have no need to look beyond yourself.  What you seek is within you, if only you reflect” (Ali ibn Abu Talib).

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