Clyde Smeda Faculty (Consultant, Teacher, Coach, Facilitator)
Telephone: +27 82 706 6359

Clyde has an Honours degree in Organisational Psychology (University of Cape Town) and is a registered Psychometrist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. He has completed his Mastery in Professional Coaching, via i-Coach Academy in 2009, supported by Middlesex University (UK). He is a Thinking Partnership Teacher and is accredited to facilitate a number of Thinking Environment Programmes, as well as apply The Thinking Environment Coaching Model, in his coaching approach. He is a member of both the South African Thinking Environment Collegiate and the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Clyde is an Executive and Leadership Coach and a Consulting Human Resources Professional. He currently manages his own consultancy and is based in Cape Town and is South African. With more than 17 years experience, Clyde brings with him an extensive background within the field of Human Resources. He has consulted with organisations, in relation to their leadership practices and human resources processes. He also brings with him vast experience within the leadership development and assessment arena.

For the past ten years, Clyde has coached both leaders and teams, at various levels, within organisations. He has facilitated the learning and development of his clients within the context of our ever-changing macro-economic climate. He has worked at various levels of leadership and has focused on coaching leaders and teams in transition, by facilitating the enhancement of their own self-awareness. He has provided coaching services internationally, in Africa and the USA. He has coached within the financial services, engineering, non-profit, government and transport industries. He has also co- designed and co-facilitates a Coaching Skills Programme, which aims to enhance the manner in which people connect, with each other, in various spheres of life. Clyde’s core focus is to support leaders in creating Thinking Environments, where individuals collaborate and co-create together, so as to take ownership of and accountability for shared performance objectives.

Clyde engages in a psychodynamic supervision process, which assists him to consistently look inward and in this manner ensure that he does not influence the client’s experience, in relation to his or her own individual meaning-making.

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