Jeanne Hollister Lebens Facilitator
Telephone: +1 860 490 4636
Address: Charlotte, NC

Jeanne Lebens is the President of JML Coaching, LLC, a firm founded in 2009 that specializes in executive and leadership coaching for financial and technical professionals.

Jeanne brings to her coaching work a longstanding track record of success as a business leader in the insurance industry. A credentialed Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society, she held a wide variety of leadership roles in corporate planning, investor relations, strategy, business development, marketing, sales and communications.  Prior to entering the coaching field, Jeanne held a Managing Principal position at Towers Perrin, where she led a large, successful multi-national consulting practice and worked closely with insurance company CEOs and Boards of Directors on pressing strategic and risk management issues facing their organizations.

Jeanne’s coaching clients benefit from her business and results orientation, her leadership experience, the perspectives she has gained as both an internal and independent coach and her demonstrated success in — and passion for — helping people set and achieve inspiring goals that take their careers to new levels.

Jeanne graduated from The College of William & Mary with Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa distinctions. She holds a PCC designation with the International Coach Federation and is a Certified Presence-Based® Coach. She is a part-time faculty member at Presence-Based Coaching, where she participates in ICF-certified coach training, and she also serves as a Mentor Coach for that organization. Additionally, she is certified as an Immunity-to-Change Facilitator and holds an advanced coach training certification from the NeuroLeadership Group.

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