Katrin Hundhausen Coach
Telephone: +49 176 23 23 21 26
Mobile: +49 176 23 23 21 26
E-mail: Katrin.hundhausen@libero.it
Website: www.atempause.it
Organisation: Atempause Coaching& Consulting
Address: Kastelruth

I believe in retreats – taking the time to step back, reflect, clarify whatever necessary and then come back into life with fresh inspiration, clarity and motivation. This is also what I like to facilitate for my clients in coaching. I love to work with clients that are keen on discovering and developing themselves and finding authentic answers to their professional and private questions. To me, this is a valuable contribution to the positive change our world needs.

I have an academic background in psychology and business administration, 15 years of marketing management experience in companies ranging from start-ups to multinationals and further training in creativity and intuition techniques, meditation and inner work. To me, Time to Think is a unique coaching method, a liberating way of communication, a precious self-inquiry tool and a direct path to self-efficacy. I am currently inspired by this Incisive Question: If I knew that I can find the answers to my questions inside me how would this effect the way I live?

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