I’m a Results coach & Time to Think Facilitator. I’ve published a coaching resource, Journal to Brilliance. I’m passionate about empowering individuals and entities to thrive, in realising their potential. Thinking environment principles offer the ideal platform & tools to launch such exciting possibilities….It’s satisfying to be the catalyst for change in understanding the premise that the quality of everything we do, depends on the quality of the thinking we do first. Hence, I navigate swiftly to reflective awareness of limiting assumptions and beliefs. I then delight in deepening questions and thinking to allow exploration of possibility, to find liberating thoughts & ultimately generate solutions. Strategic and Connected are my top CliftonStrengths, so I have a natural ability to view the big picture, connect the dots & work logically towards practical action steps. I facilitate individuals and teams to discover collaborative behaviours through meaningful communication paths, in order to build trust and foster a dynamic, yet safe environment. It’s my priority to BE a thinking environment as I deliver the awareness & benefits of the KEY Thinking Components.
Testimonials:J McIntyre – CEO TSSA: I’ve been trained by Kerry and I’m impressed with her practical approach to problem-solving. She assesses situations and helps facilitate change, one step at a time. She helped me shift a behaviour that hadn’t served me for decades – proof of her qualities as a positive change agent. SME Owner: My time with Kerry was one of the most productive hours I’ve ever spent – she opened up whole new vistas, on my business!
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