Mary Pyne Coach, Facilitator & Thinking Partnership Teacher
Telephone: +353 86 8063348
Mobile: +353 86 8063348
Address: Dublin

Mary is a Time to Think Coach, Facilitator and Thinking Partnership Teacher, who loves introducing people to the power and possibility that they discover when they create and experience a Thinking Environment. Her work is designed to help people discover what this approach can change for them, how they can liberate themselves from what might be holding them back and generate fresh and creative thinking.

Mary first discovered this way of being and way of working when she trained and qualified as an Executive Coach in 2016.  Her personal experience of  this transformative approach led to clear and courageous thinking about the way in which she wanted to work. In 2019, she chose to leave a career in the public service in order to train as a Thinking Environment Coach and Facilitator.  

As a 1-1 Coach, Mary helps people think clearly and with confidence, encouraging them to explore their options, find their own solutions and make better decisions.  

In her work with teams and groups, she helps people access the highest quality thinking individually and collectively.  Her  experiential programmes enable teams and groups transform how they interact and build collaborative and creative capacity.    

With a background in senior management in both HR and operational roles, Mary also works as an Organisational Consultant,  with a focus on helping people tackle challenges and solve problems, using the Thinking Environment approach. 

Mary is an accredited Time to Think Coach and Facilitator,  a trained Mediator and a Chartered Fellow of CIPD. She has  a MSc in Organisational Behaviour (Trinity College Dublin), an MA in Public Management (Institute of Public Administration) and Diplomas in Employment Law (King’s Inns) and Executive Coaching (Irish Management Institute). She is accredited in delivery of Roche Martin’s Emotional Capital Report (360). 


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