Monika Braunwarth Coach
Telephone: +41 79 649 42 22
Mobile: +41 79 649 42 22
Organisation: Denkraum-Schweiz
Address: Horgen, Zurich

“Monika is a Time to Think Coach and graciously holds the space for others to think independently for themselves with the promise of no interruption. Her calm, interested and appreciative style is so warm and inviting and encourages those around her to open up and work through their precious thoughts.”

– Anna, Time to Think Coach, Facilitator, Teacher and Consultant

Denkraum-Schweiz is Monika’s offer and aimed at people who want to explore what their full potential is, and who want to gain clarity about their challenges as well as opportunities. “Who am I, and – who do I want to be?” “Where am I, and – where do I want to go?”

What might Denkraum-Schweiz offer you?

  • Think as yourself for yourself
  • Thinking for resilience and well-being
  • Being in the centre of life – and feel centred
  • More zest for life
  • Insights and the possibility to realise something new
  • Giving life room to land

Monika uses her strong interpersonal experience to offer a thinking partnership that, when working with individuals, develops their awareness of themselves and others. She does this through 1:1 coaching sessions (mostly virtual), using Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment® work, which is what makes Monika’s work so special. She is a valuable Thinking Environment ambassador and is happy to think with you and accompany you into your wonderful, independent and unique thinking.

“What would you like to think about – and what are your thoughts?”

Monika lives with her husband on Lake Zurich in Horgen and their two adult children live in Zurich.

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