Monica Schüldt Faculty (Consultant, Teacher, Coach, Facilitator)
Telephone: +46 87 183 003
Mobile: +46 707 183 003

For the past 30+ years, Monica has helped leaders and groups to function more effectively, her clients ranging from top management and management teams to working groups and sports teams. As for many Time To Think professionals, a Thinking Environment gave her a set of tools that very simply, yet profoundly, improves the conditions for groups and individuals to find new ideas and solutions to problems that may have troubled them for years. As an executive coach, Monica has been said to listen with her entire body.

Her book with the Swedish title “Collaborator or counterlaborator – the art of turning around a climate of discontent” was hailed with great interest by Swedish media and has become the publisher’s bestseller. Her most recent book “Genialiskt” is a practical, hands-on guide to creating a Thinking Environment for people in all contexts, from individuals and families to charitable organisations and corporations.

Monica is a member of the global Time to Think Faculty, qualified to teach all Thinking Environment courses and giving her access to all the latest Thinking Environment developments. A honours graduate of Cambridge and IHR, the Stockholm School of Marketing, Monica brings an incisive mind and genuine engagement and warmth to her work.

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