Natasha Dalmia Coach
Mobile: +44 7917 924076
Address: Surrey

Natasha Dalmia is an Author, Global Leadership Facilitator, Organisation Development Consultant & Executive Coach; ICF Accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Natasha graduated from Newfield Asia Coach Training Program in 2013, now called The Coach Partnership in Singapore, and continued with Health Coaching with them in 2020. Natasha is currently based in the UK, serving as the Principal Consultant & Head of Coaching Services in Sequoia Group. Natasha also serves as Associate Faculty for Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) since 2020, for ‘Positive Education for Early Child Care Educators’. She applies the science of Positive Psychology with strengths-based Culture Building for her clients. She is a practitioner in the field of paradigm shifting ways on collaborative unlearning/learning, contemplative leading in organisations, and conscious living/working for individuals and teams.

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