Pernille Wedell-Wedellsborg Coach
Telephone: +45 263 508 28
Mobile: +45 263 508 28
Address: Copenhagen

My coaching practice is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, but I also work internationally. I am a business-school trained coach and change consultant who specialises in developing executives and anyone who might be facing challenges in their work-life balance. My formal coaching career began in 2009 with a certification from Manning Inspire in Denmark. Since then I have completed the Henley Business School’s MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change. Most recently, I have qualified as a Time to Think Coach.

I am passionate about people who wish to maximise their potential and are ready for self-discovery though reflection and engagement with their own life. My approach is powerful, yet respectful, challenging but supportive and I will place great emphasis on maintaining my coachee’s authenticity and balance.

Before retraining to become a coach, I have a business background in advertising, marketing and project management from a number of different industries, including not for profit, software solutions and advertising.

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