Rika Tome Coach
Telephone: +27 82 821 5362
E-mail: rika@deronconsulting.co.za

Rika holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Social Work, as well as several Organisational Development and coaching qualifications, including a Masters diploma in NLP coaching. She has extensive experience across various industries and management levels. She has designed/completed numerous initiatives in organisational design and development, coaching and measuring the impact of leadership interventions through the application of the Phillips ROI methodology. Her areas of specialty include designing and developing leadership programmes/interventions, facilitation and coaching, Coaching on action learning projects, ROI design, development and application. The latter resulted in the publication of a ROI group coaching case study in “Measuring the Success of Coaching” by Patty and Jack Phillips in the US. The ROI Phillips methodology was used to assess the impact of group coaching. She owns her own consultancy, is a guest lecturer and coach at GIBS University and has been a Connemara associate since 2007.

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