Learning the Thinking Session®, the signature process of the Thinking Environment.

The Thinking Partnership Course (2+1 days) teaches you the Thinking Partnership Session®, a uniquely powerful process for liberating the human mind. Through generative Attention and the building of Incisive Questions, this process produces breakthough, independent thinking.

You will participate both as Thinker (considering topics of your choice), and as Thinking Partner (practicing this elegant expertise).

Along the way you will explore all Ten Components of a Thinking Environment.

This course is a prerequisite for the Coach Qualifying Course.

Presented by a Time To Think Consultant
Maximum participants 6

Country : Germany

When: October 1 & 2 2024 in person: D3 virtual 2-3 weeks later.
Time: 09:30 - 16:00
Where: Munich Suburbs, Baveria, Germany
Led By: Anna Inama, ICF MCC
Price: Euros 1495
I would love to welcome you along and always happy to arrange a chat if you would like to find out more.  For more information, please see my website www.inamacoaching.com, or email me at anna@inamacoaching.com
One bursary place is available per course, to anyone who might not otherwise be able to afford to attend.  Please get in touch to find out more. Bespoke dates can be offered if you are a group of minimum 3
NB This course will take place in English
When: Datum: 05./06.11.2024 und 04./05.12.2024
Where: Ort: Praxis Mercker & Miketta, Kopenhagener Str. 71, 10437 Berlin
Led By: Thinking Partnership Teacher Kurs: mit Marion Miketta – (für Time To Think Coaches)
Price: € 2370

+ MwSt.
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter 0179 7452694 oder marion@merckerundmiketta.de