Do you wish your meetings could produce the finest thinking from everyone?
Do you want your meetings to encourage, engage and energise people?

Groups that become Thinking Environments consistently produce meetings of this calibre.
And they save time and money as a result.

The programme (2 days plus follow up) teaches groups how to use the meeting structure of a Thinking Environment® to engage each person’s mind fully; to produce respectful; robust discussion; to make compelling presentations and to make decisions of exceptional quality.

The  programme also includes a real-time business meeting, achieving concrete business results. It includes the Time To Think Council, an elegant means of accessing peer knowledge and experience.

Presented by a Time To Think Consultant

Maximum particpants 12, optimum 8

Cost – Daily consultancy rates

For enquiries or further information, please contact the UK office on 020 8560 4838  or email


Do you want an outside facilitator to generate from your meetings extraordinarily fine ideas and superb outcomes, with ease and in record time?

Tiime To Think Facilitators produce this quality of thinking and decision-making every time. They teach and sustain the Ten Components of a Thinking Environment and apply them appropriately to every facet of the meeting process. Each person in the group can then think independently and collaboratively with excellence.

Please contact us for referral to our team of Time To Think Facilitators, by email to or by phone on 020 8560 4838.


How can your group access each other’s knowledge and experience, and engender independent thinking at the same time?
The Time To Think Council achieves exactly that.

It generates new independent thinking by using the power of Attention and by replacing the language of advice with the language of experience and knowledge.

You can learn and practice the Council in one day, and use it successfully from then on.

This process has also been described as an excellent Knowledge Management tool.

Presented by a Time To Think Consultant

Cost – daily consultancy rates

For enquiries or further information, please contact the UK office on 020 8560 4838  or email


Do you want your mentoring relationships truly to develop the mentee?

If so, the role of the mentor has to go beyond the offering of advice and the ‘opening of doors’. The mentor has to know how to generate superb, independent thinking from the mentee.

This mentoring course (2 days + follow up and mentoring practice) teaches the mentor how to become this kind of Thinking Environment. The mentee also learns these skills. In addition, the mentor learns how to offer any guidance by using the language of experience and knowledge, not the language of advice.

On the course also participants learn how to to take some of these skills more widely into their organisations.

Presented by a Time To Think Consultant

Cost – daily consultancy rates

For enquiries or further information, please contact the UK office on 020 8560 4838  or email


What does it really take to champion diversity?

To answer that we have to start with this observation: in order to think for ourselves, we have to think as oursleves.

This requires us to reclaim pride in all our identities. In organisations this requires us to explore the untrue assumptions that the world makes about these identities and to remove them with Incisive Questions.

This course (optimally 2 days) teaches the skills for creating a Thinking Environment in which this profound level of understanding and change can take place.
Because the culture of the course is itself a Thinking Environment, the participants’ engagement with each other is wholly appreciative and respectful.

Presented by a Time To Think Consultant

Costs – Daily consultancy rate

For enquiries or further information, please contact the UK office on 020 8560 4838  or email


Can you imagine a world of leaders who have the perfect conditions everyday to do their own breakthrough thinking? Can you imagine the quantum rise in the quality of work that will result, and the business success that could come from that?

This course is a gateway for turning whole organisations into Thinking Environments. Time To Think has proven that this can happen when leaders learn the powerful Thinking Partnership Session and then can become Thinking Partners for each other.

It is a one-time investment for a life-time of practice. It can potentially even eliminate the on-going expense of coaching in organisations.

Presented by Nancy Kline, or a Time To Think Consultant

Maximum participants 4

Costs – daily consultancy rates

For further information please contact the UK office on 020 8560 4838 or email