The Coaching Course

Are you interested in becoming a Time To Think Coach? After you complete the Thinking Partnership Course, this is your next step.

The Coaching Course (2+2 days) deepens the expertise and knowledge you gained from the Thinking Partnership Course, equipping you to take this process into your coaching practice.
The course also addresses the place of this process in the world of coaching.

Completing this course, you then would undertake the Practicum work, supervised by a Time To Think Faculty member.

Successfully completing that work, and joining the Time To Think Collegiate, you would become qualified as a Time To Think Coach.

This programme is a pre-requisite for the Consultants Qualifying Course.

Presented by Nancy Kline or a Faculty member
Maximum participants 6

The Supervision Course

Are you already a qualified Time To Think Coach and would like to become a Coach Supervisor? if so, this is your next step.

The Supervision Course (2 days) equips you to assist professionals to reflect on their practise, using as your core culture and approach the Ten Components
of a Thinking Environment and the Thinking Session, as well as other expertise necessary for a Supervisor.

After completion of this course, the next step in qualification is the Practicum work, supervised by a Time To Think Faculty member.

Presented by the Time To Think Faculty
Maximum participants 6

The Facilitator Course

Are you interested in becoming a Time To Think Facilitator? After you complete the Foundation Course, this is your next step.

The Facilitator Course (2+1 days) teaches you how to present professionally eight of the
applications of a Thinking Environment you explored on the Foundation Course.

Completing this course, you then would undertake the Practicum work, supervised by a Time To Think Faculty member.

Successfully completing that work, and joining the Time To Think Collegiate, you would become qualified as a Time To Think Facilitator.

This programme is a pre-requisite for qualifying as a Consultant.

Presented by a Faculty member
Maximum participants 6

The Thinking Partnership Teachers Course

Are you interested in teaching the Thinking Partnership Session? Once you have completed the Thinking Partnership and Coaching Courses, this is your next step.

The Thinking Partnership Teachers Course (2+1+1 days) teaches how to teach the 3 day
Thinking Partnership Course professionally.

Completing this course, you then would undertake the Practicum work, supervised by a
Time To Think Faculty member.

Successfully completing that work, and joining the Time To Think Collegiate, you would become
qualified as a Time To Think Thinking Partnership Teacher.

This programme is a pre-requisite for qualifying as a Consultant.

Presented by Nancy Kline or a Faculty member
Maximum participants 4