Nancy created and pioneered the development of the The Thinking Environment. She is Founder and President of Time To Think. A published author and public speaker, she also teaches Time To Think Courses, leads the Time To Think Faculty and delivers keynote presentations around the world.
Time To Think began in 1984 and grew out of Nancy’s consulting and teaching work near Washington, DC, where she had served as a Founding Director of The Thornton Friends School for twelve years and as Director of The Leadership Institute for six years. She is a visiting lecturer at the Henley Business School, UK.
Nancy was born and raised in New Mexico and lives in England with her husband, Christopher Spence.
Nancy’s publications include: The Promise That Changes Everything: I Won’t interrupt You (Penguin 2020), More Time To Think: A Way of Being in the World (Cassell Orion, 2009), Time To Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind (Cassell Orion, 1999, 11th printing) Living With Time To Think: The goddaughter letters (Cassell 2014), Women and Men: Changing Leadership (BBC TV, 1994), Women and Power: How Far Can We Go? (BBC Worldwide, 1993), At Least a Hundred Principles of Love (with Christopher Spence), ‘Thinking Caps Off’, Personnel Management, ‘Catalytic Converter’, Coaching At Work and numerous other articles on leadership, human development and thinking.