I attended the Thinking Partnership Retreat on the strength of reading Nancy Kline’s book – The Thinking Environment. The retreat with Jane was a profound experience, which has had a transformational impact on my life. I believe psychologists call it a second order change. For me, the thinking environment is validation that my most basic instincts about meetings, conversations and independent thought have been right all along – there has to be a better way and this is it! The Thinking Partnership is so beautifully simple, dignified and innate, yet as complex as the mind itself. I’m a secular meditator who has been practising meditation for twelve years. The Thinking Environment is the perfect companion to meditative practice. Where, in meditative practice, we watch the mind through awareness, observing thoughts without clinging to them; The Thinking Environment provides arena in which those thoughts can be exquisitely developed
Paul Hexter, Film Operations Manager, British Film Institute
Nothing can match the Thinking Environment for getting the very best from each person and for realising the finest interaction in a group.
Chris Goscomb, HR Director, Energy Sector, UK
Creating thinking spaces facilitates a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. It recognizes the diversity of thought in a team, elevates everyone’s contribution to the same level, and through norms such as attentive listening we achieve inclusion. The norm about ‘listening to ignite’ fuels creative thinking and creates psychological safety for others to open the aperture of their thoughts even wider.
Dr Alistair Mokoena, Google South Africa Country Director
The Thinking Environment is not just a set of techniques. It is a way of being in the world.
Shirley Edwards. VP Organizational Effectiveness, Xerox Corporation
The Thinking Environment is a breakthrough tool for putting real diversity into action, dramatically increasing the scope and quality of innovation.
Sara B Hart, Director, Hartcom
The Thinking Environment manifests the elegant simplicity that is found on the far side of complexity.
Oliver Johnston, Director of Leadership and Coaching, Penna, Ireland
When I observe people actually engaged in a Thinking Environment, I see greater energy, effectiveness and kindness.
Cathy Duvel, Director, About Learning, Australia
When we use the Thinking Environment process, the quality and outcomes of our work together are staggering.
Tara Stevens, VP, AOL Time Warner Book Group
When you change the way you think, you change everything. In my work and my life the Thinking Environment has made all the difference.
Scott Farnsworth, President, Sunbridge Inc, USA
The Thinking Environment is a revolutionary and inspiring tool.
Martin Kalungu-Banda, Wasafiri Consulting
Having read the first book, I was confident that I had understood the concepts and principles behind the thinking, but I wasn’t prepared for the amount of enlightenment that was forthcoming on the day, and I firmly believe it has changed me forever. Never have I attended a course so seemingly simple in its objectives and yet so vast in its implication and application.
Ben Forgham, Bamboozle Theatre Company
It is a pure joy listening as a Thinking Partner. People take me to places I’ve never been to before . I’ve been all over the world; to Guadeloupe, Florida, New York, Belfast and have popped into the small villages of Wales, all without stepping a foot outside. When you really listen to someone, you go travelling with them, it’s like going on a free trip. You don’t know where you’re going when you take off , but that’s the fun and adventure of it . It is a real privilege to be so close to someone’s thoughts.
Lynne Philp, Inspire Limited
Do not be fooled by the simplicity of this process.
It will unleash the power of your whole organisation.
Denis Reay, Director HR, BT
As we make sense of the change in the 21st century, a deep understanding of the Thinking Environment should be part of every leadership programme. It intrinsically values the contribution and humanity of each person, and drives team effectiveness. Its power is evident in higher quality relationships, as well as shorter, smarter meetings.
Rosemary Grant, Statutory Director, Johnson & Johnson Medical Uk
Learning the framework for thinking is one of my best investments.
There are not many things that can transform behaviours in organisations but this has.
Dr Jean Harper, Head of Innovation, Pedigree Masterfoods Europe
We spent a huge amount of time and money figuring out, then rolling out, our core values.
It takes the Thinking Environment to operationalize them.
Julie Olsen, Senior Director, Pfizer
The Thinking Partnership Course may well be the most effective individual development programme on the market.
The Incisive Question is a tool of unbelievable precision.
Soo Spector, Consultant
Because the Thinking Environment Coaching Process uniquely develops the vast thinking ability of the client, it makes coaching into the powerful, liberating act itis intended to be.
Bill Ford, Coaching Directors, Author of ‘High Energy Habits’
The Thinking Environment gives me the best contact with myself – with what I really think and feel – that I have ever experienced.
Monica Schüldt, Consultant, Klarhet Ledarskap, Sweden
I’ve been running meetings for years and years, and I’ve never experienced the success that I’ve felt coming out of these meetings in a Thinking Environment.
Managing director, Insurance Retail
I can positively say that as a result of our Thinking Environment culture, our business has improved by at least 20%. And that is measurable in financial terms.
Provincial Director, Financial Services
By using this process in our meetings we have saved 44%of our cost of every decision.
And there is now in every meeting a dependable outbreak of thinking and participation.
Pat Carr, Manager, NHS