Learning to mentor in a Thinking Environment.

Mentoring is of the highest quality when the independent thinking of the Mentee is its focus.

The expressly Mentee-focussed aspect of the Mentoring process produces sustained confidence and self-esteem in the Mentee as well as successful problem-solving and achievement of goals.

The Thinking Environment Mentoring Process communicates in its very structure genuine respect for the Mentee and offers productive and often inspiring opportunity and time to think for Mentee and Mentor.

Country : UK

When: 17 and 18 June 2025 plus an additional two half day online sessions scheduled to suit
Time: 9am - 5pm
Where: In person, in Woburn, Bedfordshire
Led By: Becca Timmins
Price: £ 1250
This course is ideally designed to be attended by a mentor and mentee who are working together. 
I would love to welcome you along and am always happy to arrange a chat if you would like to find out more. For more information, please click here or contact becca@whenwethink.me.
One bursary (pay what you can afford) place is available on each of my courses, so that cost is never a barrier to accessing this work and instalments can be arranged.